



Recently matcha green tea has become very popular all around the world. As you may know, matcha plays a very important role in a traditional Japanese tea ceremony. However, learning about Japanese tea ceremony means much more than just learning to make matcha. Let's find the concept and philosophy behind this performing art. At first, you will learn the basic concepts and ideas of tea ceremony. You will also learn how to behave in a tea room and appreciate its decoration. Next, you'll watch a demonstration of "the way of tea". We think you will enjoy the quiet and serene atmosphere. And now let's make your own tea! We will tell you how to drink it, and also serve you a specially selected Japanese cake. Come, step into the world of profound spirituality and set your soul free, and let's have fun together!! Other things to note * Please arrive on time. We cannot allow latecomers to join a session once it has started. * The average number of participants is 6-7 people, but please note the maximum count is 12 people.
京都抹茶道体验 老师会说中文 欢迎家人一起体验!
古都日本京都体验抹茶道文化 您可通过预约直接到店参与茶道体验,享受60分钟服务,潜心体验独特的日本文化之旅。在客人和我们的其他客人预约时间允许的情况下,还可以继续享受跟由佳老师喝茶交流。 在暗香庵的茶道体验,先从缓解您旅途中的疲劳开始,一边品尝由佳老师泡的迎客茶,一边畅谈茶道及其他各种。之后移动到另一层的抹茶茶室,在观赏老师打制的淡抹茶同时,还可以品尝抹茶及美味的和果子。这时候最好能够仔细观察老师的点茶动作,要问为什么的话,因为之后您将要亲自上阵,体验点茶中关键的环节。不过您不必担心,这时候老师会在您身边辅导和讲解,让您充分体验【点日本抹茶】的乐趣。 通过体验了解抹茶道文化渊源直接参与互动,能感受到的事物和那些无法亲身体会的部分。同时再让我们分享那些目所能的及心中感受的 比如“日本人是怎样生活的呢?”,“日本文化是怎么形成的呢?”等。通过抹茶道的体验能够让双方在不同文化的基础上,在交流的过程中做到拉进心灵的距离,暗香庵抹茶道体验的最大特点。 最后静下心来专注品尝自己打制的那份包含着日本深厚底蕴文化的抹茶来结束本次愉快的体验。 其他注意事项 除新年期间(12月31日-1月3日)外,体验活动全年对外开放,请按下列时间段预约体验。因每日体验活动满员的场合,将无法正常参加,所以请提前和我们联系。另,若预定日期或时间段满员的场合,会需要麻烦您变更时间,敬请谅解。
Don’t get caught standing in a crowd of tourists trying to get a good photo. We provide a personal hiking experience. This is the ONLY tour at Fushimi Inari which goes off paved paths, onto actual forest trails. We know of hidden bamboo groves and beautiful evergreens around Fushimi Inari Shrine. Local trails lead us to the main shrine with thousands of red torii gates, and we know of secluded trails that lead to old and hidden alters. We will begin at Tofukuji Station and wander into a quiet neighborhood, visiting small shrines on the way to the mountain. Then take a trail to see a wonderful bamboo grove, and connect to the main path filled with the famous vermilion torii gates. We will reach the summit of the mountain, which is covered in the ​shrine alters and then venture back down the mountain on a forested trail, visiting smaller shrines on the way to another bamboo grove. This will lead us to the most famous area of Fushimi Inari, perfect for a memorable photo. We will finish at the main shrine at the base of the mountain, where you can enjoy some local street food before you continue your adventure in the wonderful city of Kyoto. Please understand that this is a hike, not a normal walk, so it will require some effort. We will not recommend joining if you have trouble walking or not in a good condition.
This is a 3-hour 30-minute hiking lead by locals. Soba noodle Lunch is included. You will experience the holy mountain of Fushimi through an alternative off-beaten path. This experience includes: 1) Sightseeing of the main shrine and thousands of red gates, with an explanation of their history and cultural background. 2) Easy walking through a peaceful bamboo and cedar tree forest path, visiting authentic holy spots (worship stones & waterfall) and a factory. 3) Going up a forest route to the summit shrine (20 min). The summit is 233m high, and I will show you around the shrine. 4) Photo-shooting part. On the way down, I will show you lots of photogenic spots that are usually less crowded. 5) Snack & drink, and the breathtaking panorama view of Kyoto city from the viewpoint. 6) Lunch at the best soba restaurant. Vegan options are available but tell us IN ADVANCE. Other things to note: Please wear comfortable clothes and shoes, and bring a hands-free backpack for hiking. The paths are well-organized, but you will go up/down some stairs. The time schedule may differ depending on your walking speed.
We will share a course-meal ranging from modern to traditional Japanese food across 4-6 food stands and restaurants. I have chosen these vendors to talk about quality food and rich food culture that represent Kyoto. Throughout the evening, we will try many kinds of foods that highlight Kyoto's rich culture. Other things to note: - Please let me know if you have food restrictions or allergies at least a week beforehand. I might not be able to fully accommodate restrictions as it is a group experience. - This experience is run by either myself or another trusted local guide. - I update my tour availability by the 3rd week for next month. Even if you don't see availability, please check back later.


您好呀,感谢您在众多体验中找到我^^ 京都是个具有浓厚日本传统文化的古都。但愿我可以为各位带来独有的拍摄体验! 此体验有两个部分:第一部分是和服,第二部分是摄影 [ 拍摄当天 - 和服 ] ■ 拍摄时间1到2个小时前到达和服店(我会发给您谷歌地图的链接) ■ 店员会协助您挑选和服 ■ 专业和服穿着老师会为您穿着和服 ■ 接着专业造型师会为您做发型 ■ 这些专业人员都是日本人 ■ 化妆服务需要另加费 ■ 全过程需要40-60分钟 [ 拍摄当天 - 拍摄 ] ■ 根据预定好的时间准时在和服店集合 ■ 在京都祇園一边散步一边拍摄 ■ 一路上我会建议适合的拍摄点,然后轮流拍照 ■ 如果希望没有外人同行,可以预定包场体验 ■ 别担心不会摆姿势或拍照不自然,我会适当的给予指导。这是我的工作^^ [ 照片 ] ■ 每人10张精修 ■ 当天拍下的JPEG无修片全给 ■ 7天内通过网盘上传给您 [ 自选 ] ■ 如需预定指定外的日期或时间,欢迎您垂询! ■ 和服可升级(二尺袖,振袖,袴等)需另加费 ■ 其他地点 (伏見稲荷,鴨川或其他您中意的地点) ■ 2岁以下儿童可以免费参加。请携带小孩的护照以便认证年龄。 ■ 如您想进入收费景区,还请您帮我也付一下门票:) 我们也提供半天/全天旅拍/婚纱拍摄配套。地点包括日本各地,不限于关西地区。如有需要欢迎您垂询! 其他注意事项 我会说英语,马来语,日语,中文,福建话,潮州话,广东话。 其他关西地区的拍摄以及和服拍摄项目: ■ 京都祇園和服 ■ 京都祇園 ■ 京都伏見稲荷 ■ 京都岚山 ■ 奈良 ■ 大阪
您好呀,感谢您在众多体验中找到我^^ 京都是个具有浓厚日本传统文化的古都。但愿我可以为各位带来独有的拍摄体验! [ 拍摄当天 ] ■ 根据预定好的时间准时集合,我会发给您谷歌地图的链接。 ■ 在京都祇園一边散步一边拍摄 ■ 一路上我会建议适合的拍摄点,然后轮流拍照 ■ 如果希望没有外人同行,可以预定包场体验 ■ 别担心不会摆姿势或拍照不自然,我会适当的给予指导。这是我的工作^^ [ 照片 ] ■ 每人10张精修 ■ 当天拍下的JPEG无修片全给 ■ 7天内通过网盘上传给您 [ 自选 ] ■ 如需预定指定外的日期或时间,欢迎您垂询! ■ 其他地点 (伏見稲荷,鴨川或其他您中意的地点) ■ 2岁以下儿童可以免费参加。请携带小孩的护照以便认证年龄。 ■ 如您想进入收费景区,还请您帮我也付一下门票:) 我们也提供半天/全天旅拍/婚纱拍摄配套。地点包括日本各地,不限于关西地区。如有需要欢迎您垂询! 其他注意事项 我会说英语,马来语,日语,中文,福建话,潮州话,广东话。 其他关西地区的拍摄以及和服拍摄项目: ■ 京都祇園和服 ■ 京都祇園 ■ 京都伏見稲荷 ■ 京都岚山 ■ 奈良 ■ 大阪 https://abnb.me/Ht5zdlx4kvb
"Contact Host" button to request a 'time' of your choice, or on IG at snapkyoto. Last Minute is OKAY. I check my phone 24/7, well, almost :) Your private vacation photographer will capture your magical memory of your kyoto trip with some amazing photos which you can share, make large prints, and cherish for years to come. Group Discount (3+) 25% (4+) 35% This photoshoot includes: +50-80 stunning professional photos (within 24 hours) that capture the magic of Kyoto. +A deep tour of Kyoto's culture, history, people etc. +A pleasant, professional photographer Need kimono? Don’t worry once you book, I’ll make a reservation for you. Just send me a message. Normal outfit is fine. White top is great for photos as it’s neutral. +This is 1 hour booking in the old Gion/higashiyama area, but you can add another must-see location, like: Fushimi Inari, or Arashiyama Bamboo Forest etc for additional fee. Other options (send me a message): +2hr booking in Kyoto’s top 2 locations e.g. Gion+Fushimi or Gion+Arashiyama or Fushimi+Arashiyama (allow 3 hours) +3hr booking in Kyoto’s top 3 locations: Gion+Fushimi+Arashiyama (allow 4.5 hours) Best Light: (1) close to Sunset, (2) Cloudy Days, (3) Rainy & (4) Sunny (5) Nighttime *rainy days are good for photos but heavy shower or stormy days are no good. We can reschedule. For more info & Portfolio: "snapkyoto dot com" @snapkyoto (ig)
冥想 跟 徒步旅行 伏见稻荷
*所有这些经验都说英语。 一石两鸟,观光+体验。 京阪线到伏见稻荷站 或乘JR线到稻荷站 然后在山上徒步60分钟左右到达冥想的地方。 我讲了十分钟的冥想 然后念起稻荷大社的咒语。 需要20分钟。 冥想数10分钟 呼吸冥想10分钟 冥想后拍摄照片。 其他注意事项 *我学中文 但我用英语跟客人聊天 车站附近有更衣柜或行李存放处。 途中只有5个厕所 因此最好在看到时尝试去。
在本次体验中,您可以漫游古都京都,领略寺庙和京町的历史。且您可以通过摄影体验之旅创造出专属于您的独特回忆。 首先,我们将在星巴克咖啡(京都祇园饭店分店)附近集合,并且与您说明当天的流程。不仅参观二年坂和三年坂,还会参观一些游客较为稀少的隐蔽景点之后,前往目的地清水寺。沿途也有一些非常适合的拍摄的景点,所以我们一边拍纪念照一边前往目的地吧! 拍摄也可以在清水寺外的景点,请随时与我们联系讨论。 我们建议您在体验期间穿着和服并化日式妆容。由于京都市内有很多和服出租店,如果您希望预定和服穿搭服务,请提前通知我们,我们可以协助您进行预订。 体验时间大约为2小时。 本体验特别推荐给第一次来京都的朋友们! 随时与我们预约体验并,留下您专属的旅程回忆吧! 【本次体验内容】 ・ 2小时摄影体验及文化深度之旅(英日中3种语言对应) ・照片(80-100 张未经编辑的照片,10张完全编辑过的照片) 【注意事项】 ・如您有携带儿童同行,2岁以下幼儿也可以免费参加体验。 ・ 未经编辑的照片将在拍摄后 48-72 小时内通过云端发送给您。 ・ 完成编辑后的照片将在拍摄后一周内通过云端发送给您。 如有任何其他问题或疑问,请透过页面主办联系按钮与我们联系!


京都本地酒吧和 Izakaya 串游
Please find out this tour on IG #travel.japan_together Let's enjoy bar hopping tour at Kyoto city center!! We're exploring "Kawaramachi" and "Kiyamachi" areas, where local Kyoto people enjoy drinking. We will take you to real local bar and izakaya, difficult to find for foreigners. Also take you to some deep & hidden places you never know. This experience is not just for local foods and drinks, give you the opportunity to connect with local people. Cannot wait to show you guys around my city!! We will eat during the tour, so you don't need to eat before the tour. Let's enjoy food and drink like local! If you have special request related to place, food, date and so on, we can organize the tour up to your requests. <What's included> ○ 3 hours with a local guide ○ Admission fee is free ✖️ Alcoholic Beverages ✖️ Dinner ※We split the total amount, and 99 yen or less will be rounded up to make accounting smoother. ※If you have any dietary restrictions, please let us know in advance.
Samurai Training with Modern-day Musashi
In this 120-minute activity, you will wear the proper training gear and hold real katana swords to train just like the samurai did. The experience of handling a katana correctly and cutting through objects will be something you will never forget. The content of this experience 1. Getting dressed in the training gear 2. Learning how to draw and sheath the katana safely 3. Learning how to swing the katana correctly 4. Cutting rolled tatami mats with a real katana 5. Watching the master's katana performance Why Choose Us 1. An instructor with 20+ years of training Many facilities have undertrained instructors who can only teach tourists. Your instructor here has over 100 students nationwide and over 20 years of training experience. 2. The venue is a real dojo We are not a tourist spot but a real dojo where more than 20 students train regularly. 3. Everything is interpreted in English perfectly Shogo from the YouTube “Let’s ask Shogo (1.7M subs)”, who is a student of this dojo himself, will interpret everything in English perfectly.
Our restaurant has a beautiful little Japanese garden. You can feel Japanese history from that garden. <Making sushi> You can make sushi to use a fresh fish caught in the sea of Japan on that day. There are more than ten kinds fish! So you can enjoy much taste. I will show you how to clean fish and teach you how to make sushi. You can make while watching the little Japanese garden. I will also explain a table manner of Japan. For example how to use chop sticks to eat sushi and so on. After you make, you can eat them. Let’s eat together while talking fun with us. We’ll serve Japanese desserts for you! We’ll explain a good place of Kyoto as I was a sightseeing ambassador of Kyoto, I know the best places. Please ask me at anytime! This sushi experience corresponds to Halal Other things to note Our restaurant is hard to find a bit. So if you can’t find our restaurant,please call us.
A cycling tour through Kyoto city should be more than just a simple ride-around, we take you deep inside. Our 9 km tour is focused on experiencing, exploring, and discovering Kyoto’s best-kept secrets, all in a short riding distance from our shop. Tranquil and contemplative Zen gardens, magnificent temples and shrines, we have carefully curated a tour that offers uniquely contrasting environments showcasing Kyoto’s distinctive history, culture, design, and craft. We have 3 departure times, 9am, 9:30, and 1pm. You must arrive 15 minutes before your departure. If you are late and miss the tour it's non-refundable. If you plan on arriving right at the departure time you may miss the tour so please plan ahead. The tours are usually 3 hours and 45 minutes. Our tour starts and finishes at our shop in north-western Kyoto city. This is a boutique journey, designed for those who seek a more in-depth understanding of Kyoto’s landscape. It features a visit inside the famous Golden Pavilion, but also takes time to stop and relax at other unique meditative Zen Gardens that are off the beaten path. Other things to note Please arrive 15 minutes before departure. Late/no-shows are non-refundable. Most guests take a taxi to our shop. We recommend wearing comfortable clothes for a fantastic day on the bike. I will cancel and refund tours due to heavy rain, storms, or inclement weather.
3.5-hour refreshing bike ride and a 30-minute town walk. This tour is perfect for families. Bike Part: You'll ride a lovely bike to explore the hidden gems of Kyoto that are off the beaten path. This efficient tour lets you feel the wind and air of Kyoto while experiencing nature and open sky. We'll begin with a peaceful riverside road, stopping at a hidden shrine to try some pure natural spring water. Then we'll visit the huge Imperial Palace and a famous Zen temple before passing through some university campuses and peaceful residential areas. We'll arrive at Shimo-gamo Shrine (a UNESCO World Heritage site) to enjoy its primitive forest and beautiful buildings. Next, we'll ride down to a unique river junction point and follow the scenic and refreshing lighted-up riverside back. Walk Part: After returning the bikes, we'll take a leisurely stroll through the beautiful entertainment area of Gion or Pontocho. You'll visit main "Flower Towns" (places of Geisha) and see the amazingly photogenic streets. We'll explain the unique culture and system of Geisha. If you're lucky, you may even spot a beautiful Geisha. Restaurant Recommendation: During the walking part, we'll introduce many good restaurants and bars according to your requests. Note Rain or Shine experience. The destinations are one of the examples.


京都本地酒吧和 Izakaya 串游
Please find out this tour on IG #travel.japan_together Let's enjoy bar hopping tour at Kyoto city center!! We're exploring "Kawaramachi" and "Kiyamachi" areas, where local Kyoto people enjoy drinking. We will take you to real local bar and izakaya, difficult to find for foreigners. Also take you to some deep & hidden places you never know. This experience is not just for local foods and drinks, give you the opportunity to connect with local people. Cannot wait to show you guys around my city!! We will eat during the tour, so you don't need to eat before the tour. Let's enjoy food and drink like local! If you have special request related to place, food, date and so on, we can organize the tour up to your requests. <What's included> ○ 3 hours with a local guide ○ Admission fee is free ✖️ Alcoholic Beverages ✖️ Dinner ※We split the total amount, and 99 yen or less will be rounded up to make accounting smoother. ※If you have any dietary restrictions, please let us know in advance.
Recently matcha green tea has become very popular all around the world. As you may know, matcha plays a very important role in a traditional Japanese tea ceremony. However, learning about Japanese tea ceremony means much more than just learning to make matcha. Let's find the concept and philosophy behind this performing art. At first, you will learn the basic concepts and ideas of tea ceremony. You will also learn how to behave in a tea room and appreciate its decoration. Next, you'll watch a demonstration of "the way of tea". We think you will enjoy the quiet and serene atmosphere. And now let's make your own tea! We will tell you how to drink it, and also serve you a specially selected Japanese cake. Come, step into the world of profound spirituality and set your soul free, and let's have fun together!! Other things to note * Please arrive on time. We cannot allow latecomers to join a session once it has started. * The average number of participants is 6-7 people, but please note the maximum count is 12 people.
京都抹茶道体验 老师会说中文 欢迎家人一起体验!
古都日本京都体验抹茶道文化 您可通过预约直接到店参与茶道体验,享受60分钟服务,潜心体验独特的日本文化之旅。在客人和我们的其他客人预约时间允许的情况下,还可以继续享受跟由佳老师喝茶交流。 在暗香庵的茶道体验,先从缓解您旅途中的疲劳开始,一边品尝由佳老师泡的迎客茶,一边畅谈茶道及其他各种。之后移动到另一层的抹茶茶室,在观赏老师打制的淡抹茶同时,还可以品尝抹茶及美味的和果子。这时候最好能够仔细观察老师的点茶动作,要问为什么的话,因为之后您将要亲自上阵,体验点茶中关键的环节。不过您不必担心,这时候老师会在您身边辅导和讲解,让您充分体验【点日本抹茶】的乐趣。 通过体验了解抹茶道文化渊源直接参与互动,能感受到的事物和那些无法亲身体会的部分。同时再让我们分享那些目所能的及心中感受的 比如“日本人是怎样生活的呢?”,“日本文化是怎么形成的呢?”等。通过抹茶道的体验能够让双方在不同文化的基础上,在交流的过程中做到拉进心灵的距离,暗香庵抹茶道体验的最大特点。 最后静下心来专注品尝自己打制的那份包含着日本深厚底蕴文化的抹茶来结束本次愉快的体验。 其他注意事项 除新年期间(12月31日-1月3日)外,体验活动全年对外开放,请按下列时间段预约体验。因每日体验活动满员的场合,将无法正常参加,所以请提前和我们联系。另,若预定日期或时间段满员的场合,会需要麻烦您变更时间,敬请谅解。
First, choosing a kimono ♫ From among our collection, choose your favorite kimono. After deciding on your kimono, it is time for accessories!From obi to bags to other various accessories, you create your own unique kimono style! Our staff will help advise you on kimono styling and assist you in choosing the perfect accessories for your kimono!Hair-styling is free! Hair accessories are also free! I also gift you with a pair of tabi, or special socks to wear with kimono, as a memory of your trip!(October through May only) I conduct all hair-styling and kimono-dressing in a private room, so you will be able to relax and enjoy your privacy while getting ready.From choosing your kimono and obi to personal recommendations of the best places to visit in Kyoto, our staff will help advise you on where and how to go. After everything is done, it`s finally time to explore the streets of Kyoto!I ask that you return your kimono by 17:00. During the summer months, I will prepare Yukata. There are also men's kimonos and kimonos / yukatas for children over 4 years old. Enjoy the city of Kyoto with your family. Fitting+hair styling takes approximately 20~30 minutes per person. After styling, you are free to explore Kyoto! *As makeup is not included, please do it yourself. We are unable to dress pregnant women for health and safety reasons.
Don’t get caught standing in a crowd of tourists trying to get a good photo. We provide a personal hiking experience. This is the ONLY tour at Fushimi Inari which goes off paved paths, onto actual forest trails. We know of hidden bamboo groves and beautiful evergreens around Fushimi Inari Shrine. Local trails lead us to the main shrine with thousands of red torii gates, and we know of secluded trails that lead to old and hidden alters. We will begin at Tofukuji Station and wander into a quiet neighborhood, visiting small shrines on the way to the mountain. Then take a trail to see a wonderful bamboo grove, and connect to the main path filled with the famous vermilion torii gates. We will reach the summit of the mountain, which is covered in the ​shrine alters and then venture back down the mountain on a forested trail, visiting smaller shrines on the way to another bamboo grove. This will lead us to the most famous area of Fushimi Inari, perfect for a memorable photo. We will finish at the main shrine at the base of the mountain, where you can enjoy some local street food before you continue your adventure in the wonderful city of Kyoto. Please understand that this is a hike, not a normal walk, so it will require some effort. We will not recommend joining if you have trouble walking or not in a good condition.
3.5-hour refreshing bike ride and a 30-minute town walk. This tour is perfect for families. Bike Part: You'll ride a lovely bike to explore the hidden gems of Kyoto that are off the beaten path. This efficient tour lets you feel the wind and air of Kyoto while experiencing nature and open sky. We'll begin with a peaceful riverside road, stopping at a hidden shrine to try some pure natural spring water. Then we'll visit the huge Imperial Palace and a famous Zen temple before passing through some university campuses and peaceful residential areas. We'll arrive at Shimo-gamo Shrine (a UNESCO World Heritage site) to enjoy its primitive forest and beautiful buildings. Next, we'll ride down to a unique river junction point and follow the scenic and refreshing lighted-up riverside back. Walk Part: After returning the bikes, we'll take a leisurely stroll through the beautiful entertainment area of Gion or Pontocho. You'll visit main "Flower Towns" (places of Geisha) and see the amazingly photogenic streets. We'll explain the unique culture and system of Geisha. If you're lucky, you may even spot a beautiful Geisha. Restaurant Recommendation: During the walking part, we'll introduce many good restaurants and bars according to your requests. Note Rain or Shine experience. The destinations are one of the examples.
Samurai Training with Modern-day Musashi
In this 120-minute activity, you will wear the proper training gear and hold real katana swords to train just like the samurai did. The experience of handling a katana correctly and cutting through objects will be something you will never forget. The content of this experience 1. Getting dressed in the training gear 2. Learning how to draw and sheath the katana safely 3. Learning how to swing the katana correctly 4. Cutting rolled tatami mats with a real katana 5. Watching the master's katana performance Why Choose Us 1. An instructor with 20+ years of training Many facilities have undertrained instructors who can only teach tourists. Your instructor here has over 100 students nationwide and over 20 years of training experience. 2. The venue is a real dojo We are not a tourist spot but a real dojo where more than 20 students train regularly. 3. Everything is interpreted in English perfectly Shogo from the YouTube “Let’s ask Shogo (1.7M subs)”, who is a student of this dojo himself, will interpret everything in English perfectly.
This is a 3-hour 30-minute hiking lead by locals. Soba noodle Lunch is included. You will experience the holy mountain of Fushimi through an alternative off-beaten path. This experience includes: 1) Sightseeing of the main shrine and thousands of red gates, with an explanation of their history and cultural background. 2) Easy walking through a peaceful bamboo and cedar tree forest path, visiting authentic holy spots (worship stones & waterfall) and a factory. 3) Going up a forest route to the summit shrine (20 min). The summit is 233m high, and I will show you around the shrine. 4) Photo-shooting part. On the way down, I will show you lots of photogenic spots that are usually less crowded. 5) Snack & drink, and the breathtaking panorama view of Kyoto city from the viewpoint. 6) Lunch at the best soba restaurant. Vegan options are available but tell us IN ADVANCE. Other things to note: Please wear comfortable clothes and shoes, and bring a hands-free backpack for hiking. The paths are well-organized, but you will go up/down some stairs. The time schedule may differ depending on your walking speed.
We will share a course-meal ranging from modern to traditional Japanese food across 4-6 food stands and restaurants. I have chosen these vendors to talk about quality food and rich food culture that represent Kyoto. Throughout the evening, we will try many kinds of foods that highlight Kyoto's rich culture. Other things to note: - Please let me know if you have food restrictions or allergies at least a week beforehand. I might not be able to fully accommodate restrictions as it is a group experience. - This experience is run by either myself or another trusted local guide. - I update my tour availability by the 3rd week for next month. Even if you don't see availability, please check back later.
First, we'll start and see the highlight of the Gion area, checking out the must see look into the "old town Kyoto". After walking through this Geisha district (where there's a possibility of seeing a real Geisha), I would like to step away from the more busy streets, walking through alleys to nearby Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples, where I would like to talk about the history and significance of both. Next, I would like to walk up a path leading into an iconic sight of Kyoto, a picturesque view of both new and old. Finally, I would like to go to my favorite shrine, to talk about the history, but also my personal memories of the place. Soon across the street, we will be back at the original meeting place, where I would like to send you off into the city with recommendations of nearby places for restaurants, bars, or whatever you may be looking for! Other things to note The focus of this experience to enjoy the traditional sights of Kyoto, such as paper lanterns by older buildings. For this, we will walk during night, when most shops will be closed.
Renewal open!! An even more convenient location. Try it once when you come to Kyoto! You are free to explore until 8pm with kimono. There are many places in Kyoto that are suitable for kimono. And it is a city that is kind to people who wear kimono. Please choose your favorite kimono. I will get you dressed in kimono carefully. The host is a kimono teacher, so don't worry. You will be excited while dress up in kimono. You will be surprised at the beauty of your kimono. Let's make a wonderful kimono style just for you! Hair arrangement fee is free now. You can attach as many hair accessories as you like. Once you have a great kimono, take a picture! We prepared a red parasol for women and a ninja sword for men. Enjoy your trip to Kyoto! Located in the center of Kyoto city, you can reach Kiyomizu-dera Temple to the east, Arashiyama to the west, Kinkaku-ji Temple to the north, and Fushimi Inari Shrine to the south, all within 30 minutes. Nearby are the World Heritage Site Nijo Castle, Toji Temple, Gion where you might see maiko dancers, and Nishiki Market, popular for its food. Although it is in the center of Kyoto City, it is not in a busy area, so it is not too crowded and it is convenient to go anywhere. The reservation frame is the time zone for dressing. If there are many people, please book a continuous time zone.
Taste and Discover Night Kyoto/Gion with the locals
【Drink, appetizer, and course dinner are included】 Enjoy the way locals eat and hear stories about Kyoto from the locals. This combines dining and sightseeing, led in English by a local guide. 【Vegetarian and gluten-free options are available. Please inform us IN ADVANCE.】 【No dress code. Anyone 16 or older is welcome. 13-15-year-olds can only join private tours.】 First, we will start at a traditional Kyoto house! One drink and a light meal are included here. Drink: Local craft beer, sake from Kyoto, non-alcoholic beverages, etc. Food: Appetizers from local restaurants. This bar itself is a beautiful former Geisha house, so the guide will conduct a house tour of the place. Next, enjoy the beautiful Gion area at night. This part involves a walking tour of Geishas. What does a Geisha actually do? Why is Gion so famous and prestigious? The second restaurant offers a course dinner. While sharing a table with other guests and the guide, we will indulge in modern and traditional Japanese cuisine. Drink: one drink in the first place is included. Food: Japanese cuisine (e.g., tofu salad, seasonal vegetables, Wagyu beef, tempura, sashimi, teriyaki) ※Not always the same menu. Our guide team members are all foodies... not only eating with you, but they will also share information about local restaurants. And Enjoy a dessert in the end ... come hungry!
In my workshop, you will make one SASHIKO coaster of your own. You can choose your favorite pattern from various samplers, and I’ll teach how to stitch from scratch. You can also choose the color of thread and fabric to make your original one. All the tools and materials (threads, fabric and the needle) will be provided. You don't have to bring anything but your creativity! There are mainly two methods in sashiko; Moyou-zashi and Hitome-zashi. My workshop is specialized in Hitome-zashi technique. It uses grid lines as a guide to stitch. After stitching horizontal lines all the way, we add the vertical lines or diagonal lines(depends on the pattern). You will be just amazed how the beautiful pattern emerges as you stitch. Both the beginners and the experienced embroiderers are welcomed since you can choose the pattern to make. Please come and join me to experience Japanese beautiful folk embroidery.
*READ DESC BEFORE BOOKING!!! thank you^^ This photoshoot experience is only designed for 2 person (couple) or more - Please directly book for 2 guest (book 2/2) and you will get around 40 photos but depending on our vibe, sometimes you will get more and more than 40 photos, like 60 or more so please do maximum (do not get tired, good outfit, positive mind), impress me. - I direct pose you no need to worry, It does not matter you are photogenic or not. you pay me to do the best shot I do my best. - 1 person booking is not allowed, this experience is only for a couple and family - experience will going for less than 1 hour not as it mentioned. So this experience is good for shy or someone who does not like to be in front of camera for long time. But you can tell me to extend if you want! - If you want to wear kimono, you need to book directly with them. Ask me for recommendation for english speaker friendly kimono rental, BUT I am not responsible nor helping anything between you and kimono rental. if you have anything to ask, feel free to ask me.
您好呀,感谢您在众多体验中找到我^^ 京都是个具有浓厚日本传统文化的古都。但愿我可以为各位带来独有的拍摄体验! 此体验有两个部分:第一部分是和服,第二部分是摄影 [ 拍摄当天 - 和服 ] ■ 拍摄时间1到2个小时前到达和服店(我会发给您谷歌地图的链接) ■ 店员会协助您挑选和服 ■ 专业和服穿着老师会为您穿着和服 ■ 接着专业造型师会为您做发型 ■ 这些专业人员都是日本人 ■ 化妆服务需要另加费 ■ 全过程需要40-60分钟 [ 拍摄当天 - 拍摄 ] ■ 根据预定好的时间准时在和服店集合 ■ 在京都祇園一边散步一边拍摄 ■ 一路上我会建议适合的拍摄点,然后轮流拍照 ■ 如果希望没有外人同行,可以预定包场体验 ■ 别担心不会摆姿势或拍照不自然,我会适当的给予指导。这是我的工作^^ [ 照片 ] ■ 每人10张精修 ■ 当天拍下的JPEG无修片全给 ■ 7天内通过网盘上传给您 [ 自选 ] ■ 如需预定指定外的日期或时间,欢迎您垂询! ■ 和服可升级(二尺袖,振袖,袴等)需另加费 ■ 其他地点 (伏見稲荷,鴨川或其他您中意的地点) ■ 2岁以下儿童可以免费参加。请携带小孩的护照以便认证年龄。 ■ 如您想进入收费景区,还请您帮我也付一下门票:) 我们也提供半天/全天旅拍/婚纱拍摄配套。地点包括日本各地,不限于关西地区。如有需要欢迎您垂询! 其他注意事项 我会说英语,马来语,日语,中文,福建话,潮州话,广东话。 其他关西地区的拍摄以及和服拍摄项目: ■ 京都祇園和服 ■ 京都祇園 ■ 京都伏見稲荷 ■ 京都岚山 ■ 奈良 ■ 大阪
  1. 爱彼迎
  2. 日本
  3. Kyoto Region
  4. 京都
  5. 东山区